SOME men of God operate in secrecy and encourage their
members to create an air of invisibility around them. Some go the extra
mile to extract an oath of secrecy from their members. Even members of
some churches often complain about their inability to have access to the
General Overseer or Senior Pastor, as the case may be. If a member of a
congregation is unable to have a one-on-one with his/her GO or Senior
Pastor, one wonders how tough it would be for a visitor to gain access.
There have been stories of some so-called men of God operating without
due regard for the laws of the land, in the manner they trample on
rights of members. Even law enforcement agencies overlook some genuine
complaints from citizens who have bizarre experiences to share. What is
more, some churches operate within confines that are not accessible to
law enforcement personnel. They operate like republics that are isolated
from the laws of the land and are only questionable when they visibly
overstep their bounds. But that is contrary to what the Bible reports
regarding the church of God, as a place of refuge, where there is no
discrimination and dissembling. Jesus Christ was accessible to the
lowliest and the poorest and He offered protection and salvation to all.
He had nothing to hide, but today’s church leaders, some of them have
so much to hide. Why? Is the church a cult, where information must not
be made readily available about the church or the man of God? Why is the
church not transparent in the likeness of the Church of Christ? CHRIS
IREKAMBA sought answers to these posers.
‘No Matter How A Catholic Church Is, Everyone Can Reach Their Reverend Father’
(Apostle Alexander Bamgbola, former Chairman, Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria, PFN, Lagos State Chapter)
I DON’T think they are men of God any longer. It is sad, if people
they are supposed to be watching over, as the sheep of God cannot see
them. It is unworthy of anybody, who gets to that position. It’s
particularly sad, because Jesus spoke about how the men of God should be
in the book of John 10. We are supposed to be undershepherd,
shepherding the sheep, leading the sheep, being available and guiding,
caring, counselling and giving them the spiritual food, which is the
word of God. But I have seen that the church has become so complex and
that is why the late Andrew Burner in his book said: “I look for the
church, I found it in the world, I look for the world, I found it in the
Listen to me, the church of today is no longer the Church of Jesus
Christ, and that is why you see such things. No matter how big a
Catholic Church is, everyone can reach the Reverend Father. But many
arms of the church today have become a business complex, a corporate
complex and that is why you see bouncers surrounding these men of God.
You see policemen around them, and they are guided by cronies and they
have become tin gods.
If I can reach God, if I can reach my heavenly father any moment
and talk to Him, any man of God or woman of God, who now creates a
shield around himself or herself so that nobody can reach him or her,
needs to examine themselves. Even when you call some of them, they don’t
respond or pick their calls. They give their phones to their Personal
Assistants and things like that.
Sometimes you wonder whether they are true shepherds of Jesus
Christ. It’s a sad thing. I experienced it when I was the chairman of
Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) in Lagos State for five years.
There were ministers I could not reach. These are ministers of God, who
were supposed to be under me, but because they have large churches, they
have security, protocols and all manner of things, they have become
something else. I just prayed for them because many are heading for
hell, and they say they are ministers of God. There will be surprises on
the Day of Judgment, that I can tell you my brother.
Today’s Church is certainly not the Church of Jesus Christ, but for
the remnants that Jesus is preserving for His return. That is why it
looks like a cult, operates like a cult and has all the characteristics
of a cult. Many of today’s gospel ministers are not ministers of God.
They are corporate CEOs and need to shield themselves away from their
flocks. Anyone was able to see and reach Jesus then, even little
children. Today’s ministers are not pastors, but hirelings, as Jesus
called them in John 10.
‘Most Of These Men Issue Instructions To Their Protocol Staff’
(Pastor Emeka Chiemenem, Wholesome Family Ministries Int’l, Aba, Abia State)
IN the first place, these men referred to in your question are
supposed to be servants of God and since He cannot be physically seen,
they should be serving the people as His accredited ambassadors. When
these men turn around and make themselves inaccessible to the people
they were commissioned to serve, it turns out to be an error.
God is not appropriately represented by men, who exalt themselves
above Him. Let me ask you this: can an Ambassador appointed and posted
to a particular nation by his country’s President be greater than he,
who appointed him? That is what obtains with some “great men of God.” It
is satanic and that was what brought Lucifer down. A servant cannot be
greater than his master, we were told. Therefore, that servant, who does
not follow the footsteps of his master, has nullified his status as a
faithful servant.
I think there are some factors responsible for these men of God
making themselves scarce to the people. These include pride, crowded
schedule, enhanced status and avoidance of distractions among others.
When some of these people suddenly find themselves in such positions
that they never expected, it gets into their heads and they become very
arrogant. Avoiding journalists, who have good intentions, could be by
design to avoid being misquoted. When the soldiers came to arrest Jesus
Christ, they could not identify Him. It took an insider (Judas), who
said: ‘Whoever I shall kiss, that is Him.’ This was because there was no
glaring difference between the Master and His servants. But today, it
is obvious from afar who the General Overseer, President and Founder is,
by reason of the bodyguards, gun wielding mobile police men and a fleet
of cars that follow him about. These same “demi-gods” would stand to
preach that except the Lord guards a city, in vain is the watchman
watching. It is unfortunate. When you go to their offices, you wait for
hours or days before you could see them, but with God there is an
instant access to His throne. It is a misrepresentation here.
I recently heard of one, who pretended to be having prayers in his
office, while so many visitors were at his reception waiting for him. A
visitor, who knew him from way back, bumped into his office only to see
him watching African movies in his office. And many of his members were
outside waiting for their “man of God,” who was observing a “serious
prayer hour.” We need to wake up and stop deceiving ourselves.
The church is not a cult and transparency should, therefore, be the
watchword. As much as I believe in transparency though, it’s not
everything about the church or man of God that should be for public
consumption. Jesus was so transparent that He took people, who asked Him
where He lived, to His house. The scripture says, ‘as He is so are we
in this world.’ So, there must be openness, transparency and
reachability with us men of God.
Most of these men issue instructions to their protocol staff to do
so. Some overzealous staff also carry out these instructions beyond
limit. Some church leaders are busy building structures and not building
members. The same people, who were used to building the ministries and
churches, get dumped when they are milked by these “great men of God.”
When a sheep does not have access to the shepherd and the shepherd cares
for the sheep only when he needs milk or skin, it is not Christ-like.
‘No Man Of God, Who Is Transparent Will Prevent Genuine Seekers’
(Rt. Rev. (Dr.) Michael Olusina Fape, Bishop, Diocese of Remo, Anglican Communion, Ogun State)
MEN of God, in the true sense of it, are ministers of the gospel who
are God’s representatives on earth by virtue of the work they do. They
are ordained men, who through their ministries, seek to reconcile sinful
humanity back to God, and thereby bring good news of God to all in need
of salvation, “How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the
gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10 :
The issue of inaccessibility to men of God needs careful
examination against the backdrop of why an individual seeks an audience
with a minister of God. If there is a brewing problem in a church, the
type that tends to expose any shady deal or ungodly practice in a
particular church, the man of God may decline an interview in order to
cover his shame or misdeeds. Of course, that raises another question
about the integrity and moral uprightness of that man of God. The
scripture is very clear on this, “For everyone practising evil hates the
light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be
clearly seen, that they have been done in God.” (John 3:20, 21).
No man of God, who is transparent and in the right standing with
God will prevent genuine seekers from accessing needful information from
him. The Church is not a cult and therefore, has no reason to turn away
people that desire to know about the goings on therein, especially if
that is required for educating the public on a particular matter.
There are churches that have public relations department, and often
times, activities of such churches are made known to the public through
the public relations officers. Aside this, a man of God must be ready
at any time to give reason for his faith, be it to a journalist or any
genuine enquirer. Again, where there is any hesitation on the part of a
man of God in granting audience either to a journalist or genuine
seekers of information, there may be a skeleton in his cupboard.
‘You Don’t Have To Book Appointment Before You Can See Me’
(Rev. Amos A. Kunat, New Estate Baptist Church, Surulere, Lagos)
FOR me, a man of God should be accessible, because the ministry is
about people and therefore, if you remove people there is no ministry.
Without people, there is no ministry because ministry is about service
to God and to the people. The men of God should be available for people
to meet with them. The only thing is that the meeting or whatever should
be coordinated because these people are also human beings. Sometimes a
person can be over inundated, but it should be structured in such a way
that people know when the person is available for them to meet with him
and for how long, whether in the office or wherever he has made
available for people to meet with him. There should be a protocol of how
people can go and see the person one after the other. This is so that
he is not over inundated because if everybody comes at the same time,
and they are speaking to him at the same time, he will not be able to
minister to the people effectively. For me, the issue of avoiding people
is a little bit not acceptable for ministry because it is about people
and meeting their needs.
I don’t know why some people do that. But for me and the ministry I
belong, the Baptist pastor is available to everybody and church members
any time. Our telephone numbers are usually on the church bulletin and
if you call me, I would pick my phone and the next thing I would say is:
“hello, how are you?’ If I don’t know you and I don’t feel like talking
with you, I would say, ‘sorry I’m not available to discuss with you
now.’ If my lines are available the other day and you called, I would
pick it and we would talk. I didn’t know who was calling one day, but I
responded. That is how accessible we are. You don’t have to book an
appointment before you can see me. If you come to my office and I’m not
with anybody, my personal assistant would schedule you to see me. That
is why I come to the office because I know people may want to see me or
meet with me. So I pick my calls and respond to mails and see people
one-on-one. Everyday, I’m in the office from Tuesday to Friday and for
me, that is the way it should be.
I don’t know why others make it difficult for people to see them. I
won’t be able to give explanation for their reason. But saying that the
church is run like a cult is an extreme situation. I know certainly
that one way or the other, it may not be unconnected with the fact that
the minister must first of all structure his calls, know who is calling
and deal with all that. Not that the church is an occult. That is not
correct. It is more on the issue of propriety, if it is a matter that
another person can handle, the Personal Assistant will schedule you to
speak with another person, so that you don’t get the man of God is not
too inundated with things that are unnecessary.
The Personal Assistant helps to receive all the calls and what they
are about and then, only allow those ones that must be answered by the
man of God, because sometimes the pressure can be so much, especially
when the person is well known.
‘If A Man Of God Is Unreachable, How Will He Fulfill His Calling?’
(Pastor (Dr.) Jacob E. Umoru, President, Lagos Atlantic Conference of Seventh-day Adventist)
PRIESTS and prophets were the two categories of Men of God we read
about in the scriptures. A priest was one, who made the sacrifices
(prayers), performs the rituals and acted as mediator between man and
God. That means he was responsible for offering the divinely appointed
sacrifices to God, for executing the different procedures and ceremonies
relating to the worship of God, and for being a representative between
God and man.
In other words, he was the mouth-piece of man. Their duties fell
under three main headings: Service, Teaching, and Prayer. On the other
hand, God, in His wisdom, chose men, who would obey Him faithfully and
He gave them authority to speak on His behalf. These were called
prophets. Prophets were not chosen or elected by men, and they were not
permitted to inherit the title or regard it as an official post to be
filled by a man specially trained for it. In Numbers 12:6, Then He said,
“Hear now My words: If there is a prophet among you, I, the LORD, make
Myself known to him in a vision; I speak to him in a dream.” Jesus, Who
is our example as Christians, declared in Luke 19:10 “for the Son of Man
has come to seek and to save that which was lost.”
In fact, Jesus was a people-oriented man of God. He identified with
everyone He met, whether rich or poor, educated or uneducated. The
Pharisees accused Him of being a friend of sinners, because He mingled
with men in the society. We read this in Luke 7:34 “The Son of Man has
come eating and drinking, and you say, ‘Look, a glutton and a
winebibber, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ He was very
accessible to all that needed Him. It appears that modern “Men of God”
read another Bible and so, understand Christianity differently.
The Bible says in Matthew 6:20-21 “but lay up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where
thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there
your heart will be also.” But when professed men of God are acquiring
and amassing wealth on earth and becoming too comfortable here on earth,
they lose sight of heaven. Then fear comes, especially when some are
not careful about the source of their wealth and so are unreachable for
‘security reasons,’ while others are distant from people due to their
questionable source of ‘spiritual power.’ For these reasons, one is
right to ask, ‘is the church a cult that you cannot make information
available about the church or the man of God himself?’ We must not
forget that we are pilgrims; this world is not our home. Jesus is coming
again to take us home, John14: 1-3.
Seventh-day Adventist ministers (men of God) are different in this
regard. Yes, some have alleged that the church is a cult because we
worship on Saturday according to the scripture: Genesis 2:1-3, Exodus
20:8-11, Isaiah 58:12-14, Ezekiel 20:12, 20 Matthew 12:8, Luke 4:16 Acts
13:42-44, Revelation 22:14. The Seventh-day Adventist Church ministers
(men of God) are people-oriented, because we believe we are called to
communicate the everlasting gospel to all the world, nation, kindred
tongue and people in the context of the three angels’ messages of
Revelation 14:6-12.
In my opinion, if the man of God, who is supposed to speak forth
for God, is unreachable, how will he fulfill his calling to ministry?
Like Jesus, the man of God is anointed to preach the gospel to the poor;
sent to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and
recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those that are
oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the LORD.” Luke 4:18-19.
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